The General Manager of the National Mining Corporation (SONAMINES) invites all natural and legal persons, holders of valid collectors' cards and licence to open a Purchase and Marketing to registered at SONAMINES’
December 6, 2024 . By: sonamines
The General Manager of the National Mining Corporation (SONAMINES), Serge Hervé BOYOGUENO, hereby invites all natural and legal persons, holders of valid collectors' cards and licence to open a Purchase and Marketing Office for mining substances derived from artisanal mining throughout the national territory, to get themselves registered at SONAMINES’ Head Office, located at Nouvelle Route Omnisport in Yaoundé or at its local Branches in the Adamawa, the East and the North Regions, by 15 January 2025 latest, with the original copy of their cards or licence.
This operation launched by SONAMINES, is part of the implementation of the new legal and regulatory framework for the mining sector, in particular with regard to the provisions of Decree N0.2024/05051/PM of 18 November 2024, to lay down the terms and conditions for the holding, marketing, export, import and transit of mineral substances, Decree N0.2024/05061/PM of 18 November 2024 to lay down the conditions for the issue of mining titles, permits and licences and Decree N0.2024/05062/PM of 18 November 2024, to lay down the conditions for carrying out mining operations. This highly innovative legal and regulatory framework places the National Mining Corporation (SONAMINES) at the heart of mining, by strengthening its missions and granting it, among others, the prerogatives of approving marketing offices for precious and semi-precious substances, as well as issuing collectors' cards for the same substances; all of which undoubtedly makes it the hub of the gold industry in Cameroon.02024/05051/PM du 18 novembre 2024, fixant les modalités de détention, de commercialisation, d’exportation, d’importation et de transit des substances minérales, n02024/05061/PM du 18 novembre 2024 fixant les modalités de délivrance des titres miniers, permis et autorisations et n02024/05062/PM du 18 novembre 2024, fixant les modalités d’exercice des opérations minières. Ce cadre légal et réglementaire très innovant place la Société Nationale des Mines (SONAMINES) au coeur de l’activité minière, en renforçant ses missions et en lui accordant entre autres, les prérogatives d’agréement des Comptoirs de commercialisation des substances précieuses et semi-précieuses, ainsi que de délivrance des cartes de collecteurs pour les mêmes substances ; ce qui fait indubitablement d’elle, la plaque tournante de la filière aurifère au Cameroun.
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